Mandingo Unleashed
Mandingo fighting: fact or fiction?
I - KKK Lookalikes and Mandingo fighters
Halfway through Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino's latest movie,
there's a scene in which slave owner Calvin Candie (played by Leonardo Di
Caprio) organizes a gladiator style fight to the death between two slaves, in
what is called Mandingo fighting. The term Mandingo refers to various tribes inhabiting parts of Western Africa, notably in the Niger River Valley. According to some persistent rumors, they were used in the days of slavery for brutal fights to the death. The particular scene has led to the
question if there is any historical basis for these rumors.
Like I have stated in my essay on Django Unchained, such a question is not
essential in relation to Tarantino's art. Tarantino has been described as a
head full of movies, and when making his own movies, the raw material for it, is provided by
those movies in his head. In other words, they do not necessarily refer to any
(in this case: historic) reality outside the movie.
In a recent article, Tarantino has declared that the idea for Django Unchained came to him when
he was studying Sergio Corbucci's westerns, which feature archetypical villains
like sadistic bounty hunters (The Great Silence), red-hooded KKK lookalikes
(Django) and halfbreed maniacs scalping Indians (Navajo Joe):
of the Western directors who had something to say created their own version of
the West: Anthony Mann created a West that had room for the characters played
by Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper; Sam Peckinpah had his own West; so did Sergio
Leone. Sergio Corbucci did, too ā but his West was the most violent, surreal
and pitiless landscape of any director in the history of the genre. His
characters roam a brutal, sadistic West. (...)"
Apparently Corbucci's West came closest to the image he wanted to depict in his own movie, but he needed a context in which Corbucci's vision could be put into practice:
"I thought the closest equivalent to Corbucciās brutal landscapes would be the antebellum South. When you learn of the rules and practices of slavery, it was as violent as anything I could do ā and absurd and bizarre. You canāt believe itās happening, which is the nature of true surrealism."
Apparently Corbucci's West came closest to the image he wanted to depict in his own movie, but he needed a context in which Corbucci's vision could be put into practice:
"I thought the closest equivalent to Corbucciās brutal landscapes would be the antebellum South. When you learn of the rules and practices of slavery, it was as violent as anything I could do ā and absurd and bizarre. You canāt believe itās happening, which is the nature of true surrealism."
It'll be no
surprise to movie buffs that the movie in Tarantino's head which introduced him
to the idea of Mandingo fighting was Richard Fleischer's 1975 infamous movie
Mandingo, one of the two movies based on novels by Kyle Onstott (the other
being Drum, made one year later) set in the antebellum South and featuring
Mandingo fighters. Onstott was a former dog breeder turned best-seller writer,
who based his book partly on the anthropology research made by his son in West-Africa. The novel was both a national sensation and a national
scandal. And so was the movie.
II - Mandingo - the movie
Mandingo tells the story of a slave owner's son,
Hammond Maxwell, who rejects his own wife because she wasn't a virgin on her
wedding night (her brother deflowered her) and sleeps instead on a regular base
with a black slave. The wife does the same: when her husband is away from home,
she invites his slave Mede into her bedroom. Mede was bought by Hammond for
Mandingo fighting and therefore has a
lot of privileges: he is freed from duties on the land and the two men have
almost become real friends. Things lead to a climax when the missus becomes
pregnant, and the child turns out to be 'not white'. Discovering the truth,
Hammond poisons his wife and intends to boil the slave alive. Mede first
refuses to jump into the boiling liquid, but Hammond shoots him and the bullet
catapults him into the cauldron. In the novel he literally boils Mede into soup
he then pours on the grave of his late wife.
All very subtle. Even today this concoction of
torture, incest, interracial intercourse and fighting to the death is still
quite strong. The
late Roger Ebert thought respectable actor James
Mason deserved jail rather than a fee for appearing in the movie. Mason is not
the only respectable actor to appear in it, and some, notably Perry King and
Brenda Sykes even turn in decent performances as, respectively, the young
Hammond and his slave mistress (called a "wench" in the movie).
However, the most illustrious name is that of Ken Norton, not a professional
actor but a professional boxer, introduced to movie audiences on contemporary
posters as 'the man who broke Muhammad Ali's jaw'. Norton beat Ali in 1971 in a fight in which he allegedly broke Ali's jaw (1). Norton plays of course Mede,
the Mandingo fighter, and the choice for a professional boxer might have been
inspired by other than only physical reasons. Professional boxing, dominated by
Afro-Americans (especially in the heavyweight divisions), had been denounced by
some intellectuals as a repulsive spectacle for whites involving former slaves.
And, as we shall see, there might be some connection to organized fights (if not
exactly Mandingo like) involving Afro-Americans in the days of slavery.
Officially Mandingo is part of the
Blaxploitation craze that reached theaters worldwide in the early and
mid-seventies, but unlike most of these movies, it's heavy-handed and
dead-serious, not playful and flashy. Blaxpoloitation was part of the process
of awakening of the Afro-American citizens, following Rosa Parks' refusal to
give up her seat in the colored section on a bus to a white passenger, Martin
Luther King's I have a dream and James Brown singing Say it loud, I'm black and
I'm proud. The idea behind blaxploitation was something like: We're black and
we're hip, and we kick ass! Don't watch Mandingo if you're looking for anything
like Shaft or Coffy, it's mean and sometimes quite shocking. But then again, it
is set in the days of slavery, so wouldn't it be even more shocking if it were
playful? And Tarantino was criticized by Spike Lee for turning slavery into a
spaghetti western, wasn't he?
As said, it is not essential to Tarantino's movie
if there is any historical basis for Mandingo fighting, it's simply not what
his postmodern style of film making is about, but it still is a question that
might be of interest to us. In an article in Slate Magazine, David Blight, the director of Yaleās center for
the study of slavery is quoted, and his statement categorically rejects the
possibility that such fights to the death ever took place:
reason slave owners wouldnāt have pitted their slaves against each other in
such a way is strictly economic. Slavery was built upon money, and the fortune
to be made for owners was in buying, selling, and working them, not in sending
them out to fight at the risk of death."
It seems to
make sense, but other reactions were more reserved. There are several recorded examples of a slaves fighting other
slaves in bare-knuckle contests to entertain plantation owners. Tom Molineux
was born into slavery and trained by his father (who had also been a fighter)
and won his master large sums of money by winning fist fights (Like Ken
Norton's Mede in Mandingo). He was finally granted freedom and then moved to
England, where he became a professional fighter, trained by another former slave
fighter, Bill Richmond. Admittedly the fights these slaves were involved in,
were not 'to the death', but apparently there was a widespread
practice of organized slave fighting.
This is
also sustained by another expert in the field, Dr. Edna Greene Medford from the
history department of Howard University, Washington D.C. in an interview to NextMovie She says:
" (...)
there were all sorts of things going on in the South pitting people against one
another. To the death, I've never encountered anything like [Mandingo
fighting], no. That doesn't mean that it didn't happen in some backwater area,
but I've never seen any evidence of it."
She seems
to underline David Blight's argument, but adds an interesting note to it:
"It would seem odd to me that someone would allow his enslaved laborer to fight to the death because someone like that would cost them a lot of money. But then it's a gambling enterprise so maybe someone would be willing to do that."
The answer
to the question whether there is some historic evidence for Mandingo fighting,
is not a simple yes or no. There was a widespread practice of organized fights
and even if they were not 'to the death' they must have been quite grueling
events. It's almost unthinkable that there have never been any casualties. It's
not easy to beat someone to death, but repetitive concussions of the brain can
be dangerous, especially when victims aren't given enough time to recover. Both
winners and losers must have been seriously wounded after a fight, suffering
from a variety of broken and bruised body parts: noses, ribs, teeth, jaws,
fingers, etc.
(1) Norton and Ali met three times, and all three fights were very close. The first and most famous fight was won by Norton on split decision (the referee and one judge gave it to Norton, the other judge gave it to Ali). In this fight Norton allegedly broke Ali's jaw early on into the fight, but some have suggested that Ali made this up to explain his defeat. The fight went to full length and a broken jaw would have made the loss heroic. Ali then won the revenge, again on split decision (this time 2-1 in his favor. The third and final fight was very controversial: Ali won it (right: on split decision) but many observers felt Norton was the real winner. It's often said that the third fight between the two men marked the beginning of the decline of Ali's career.
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